Sunday, November 4, 2012

Natural Body and Mind

Naturally we are kind forgiving loving. We have energy and are free of disease, sickness, and allergies. 

Naturally we are born perfect. Even most birth defects can be traced back to improper diet of the mother before and during pregnancy.

We start out pure, honest, free of greed, lust, or hatred. 

Have you ever watched a baby playing? Have you ever noticed how flexible and infants are? We all start out flexible but in today's modern society staying that way is not highly prioritized, neither is staying natural, true to ourselves, or being healthy. 

So why isn't this a priority? It's sad that as a society we are have grown to be so far from who and what we are meant to be. Instead of healthy, loving beings, we are a culture of sick, selfish, creatures.

Sick. . . Obesity, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, high cholesterol just to name a few major killers of the world. The worse part is that all of these ailments are caused by the foods we eat, combined with a lack of exercise.  We have no one to blame for our woes.  

Its our job to learn how to care for our bodies, and not depend on other people to teach us how to care for ourselves, but knowledge, and continued growth seem to also be values lost in modern society. Instead of chasing continuous personal growth, we spend the majority of our time lost, climbing the corporate ladder, seeking to grow useless material wealth. 

This type of living is not only  self destructive, but socially perilous as well. 

I spent the past two years a deep in study, seeking answers to these modern woes, and sharing ny findings to all who would listen.