Thursday, December 6, 2012
Style Undefined
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Another Journey Begins
Yesterday my mother and I went to our first yoga class. The goal is to go every Monday. I am very excited about finally starting classes, and even more excited that my mother has decided to join me on this journey.
My first class was not difficult, thanks to all the time and effort I have been putting into my practice over the past few years. In fact, I deeply enjoyed the simplicity of this class, basics, sun salutations, and familiar poses.
There's something relaxing about being in a class full of people moving in unison. Yoga class is about connections, not competitions. Everybody leaves themselves open and exposed but nobody feels vulnerable. It's truly beautiful.
Leaving class, I had the blissful, tingling, feeling that only a long and focused practice can provide. Its a feeling I can't explain. I get drunk on yoga, high, but clear, calm, and collected.
It wasn't always like that. I can still remember a time when I felt completely overwhelmed, staggering, quivering, and wobbling along with my Shiva Rea Fluid Power DVD. Then practice was all about getting physical and shaping up my buns.
I was in over my head, that DVD was definitely not intended for a beginner, like me. There is a sharp contrast between how I felt after those early workouts and how I currently feel after a deeply focused practice. Relaxed is not a word that I ever would have used to describe my earliest workouts, worn out, maybe.
The beginning was the hardest part, keeping the momentum going, and pushing myself not to give up. I am eternally grateful for the positive yogis in my life, who always provided encouragement and advice, guiding my early journeys.
My mother is now in the exact place where I once was. She has two choices, give up, or dive in and give it all she's got. I wish her only success, and hope to be a positive voice in her ear, just as my friends did for me, now that she is sitting on the edge of her very own yoga journey.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Downward Dog
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
First Yoga Class
Teachers are valuable, and if you have the opportunity to work with one, then definitely take it, but I don't feel like you have to go to a formal yoga class to practice yoga.
Having an accurate, sustainable, practice is essential. We are only gifted one body, so taking care of it is a necessity, because we have roughly one hundred years to live in it. How do you want to live your one hundred years? Will you be sick and miserable or healthy and active? It doesn't seems like a real question, does it? Which of those 2 would you choose?
Every now and then there's a part of me that gets nervous for no reason at all, though I tell myself "You got this. This is your yoga and the nobody will ever change that."
Everybody is different. Yoga can take you down many paths, just like life. Not everybody will take the same life path, so it makes since that so would yoga. Were all unique individuals. That's wonderful.
You know what? I like wearing makeup. I like waxing my legs. I have a man with definitely not into yoga. I do things my way, because I rather write my own book then follow someone else's.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Natural Body and Mind
Time Magazine - Alternative Medicine
Amazing Meditation
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
A Short Time
Friday, October 12, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sitting at the Edge of My Mat
Before I know it, I am sinking from Halasana into Savasana, listening to the last minutes of a captivating melody. A woman is singing, her voice radiant in a foreign tongue, and though I do not understand her words, my body is singing right along with her, joyfully.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Being a teacher doesn't mean spending thousands of dollars on a fancy education. Being a teacher can be as simple as being a positive role model, and setting a good example.
Teachers must also not forget to be learners, because no matter how much you know, learning is endless. All of us are students in life, learning lessons every day.
Teaching is a wonderful way for us to give something positive back.All of us can be teachers. Just imagine how amazing the world could be if we had more teachers?
I have had the privilege of knowing some amazing teachers who have inspired and encouraged me in many unique ways.
Thank you to all those amazing teachers, who have helped to shape who I am.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Inspiration for your weekend
Happy Friday something to think about over the weekend.
"All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."
Dalai Lama
Thursday, October 4, 2012
- chronically tired - sometimes drinking a pot of coffee or more in an 8 hour work day
- in love with candy and junk food
- anxious and easily over excited
- I stressed out over stupid little things, that usually worked themselves out anyway
- obsessed with climbing the corporate ladder
- I had the tendency to worry over people pleasing
- I have plenty of energy and stay up 2 hours later everyday, and have no need for coffee
- eating all natural organic foods, and no longer like the taset of junk food - fruit is candy
- I am calm, collected, clear, and enjoy to going with the flow
- I stop and think before I get stressed out over things quickly realizing things will be okay
- I wouldn't mind getting a raise are climbing up the ladder at work but I'm content where I am now.
- I don't feel like I have to prove myself to anyone
If you are thinking about taking the plunge into a deep yoga study and practice, what is stopping you? Just go for it. Its worth it. YOU are worth it!
Before you know it you will be reflecting on the positive changes yoga gas helped you to bring into your life.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Acro Dreams
I was very pleased with this video at the time, but still saw room for improvement.
I am posting this because marks a major turning point in my life. Hopefully I can get something more current up soon.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Journey to What is Natural
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Daily Inspirational Quote
“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” ~ B.K.S. Iyengar
Making Real Changes
Friday, September 28, 2012
Quote of the Day
“Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda
The longer I work this into my life more true it becomes, and the easier it is to act this way.
Monday, September 24, 2012
A Journey Into Healthy Eating
It is illegal to treat cancer in The United States using the Gerson Therapy, but his daughter, Charlotte Gerson, is still spreading the good word, and saving lives at the Gerson Health Center in Tijuana Mexico.
Dr Gerson died in 1959, after completing his master work, A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 cases, for the 2nd time. (The first time he completed the book, it mysteriously vanished.)
Click this link to watch The Gerson Miracle Documentary and find out more about Gerson's natural Miracle therapy.
With all my new found information, its hard to imagine going back to eating chemically engineered, gmo, super processed, Frankenstein foods. WOULD YOU EAT POISON JUST BECAUSE SOMEBODY TOLD YOU IT WAS SAFE? Do you?
I cant even rationalize paying for empty foods, that contain little to no nutrition. When did people forget, that we eat to nourish our bodies, not just fill our bellies?
I hope to ease myself into a mostly raw vegetarian diet in the next few months, because the more I learn, the more I feel that it is the healthiest path, and if I really want my body to be a temple, then I should start to really treat it as one.
Sauca - keeping the temple clean. Is your body your temple?
Sunday, September 23, 2012
My Journey into Yoga
I only began doing yoga about three years ago. I wanted a "yoga booty," tight core, and open hips. Though it was no spiritual quest, and I was not making an attempt at changing my life, there were many gradual changes, unknown to me, that began with that very first (sloppy) downward dog..
My first goal, splits and handstand, were high considering I was nowhere close to attaining either one of them, but "reach for the stars and even if you miss, you'll end up on the moon." Right?
Now, almost three years down the line, I still haven't completely mastered either technique, but I am getting pretty close. I learned that progress is not only measured by the skills one acquires, but the effort and progress that comes out of a dedicated practice. Also, different people advance at different rates, so using other people as a point of reference is not always helpful. .
Before beginning my yoga journey I never would've claimed to be fit. I wasn't even a healthy eater. Fast food dollar menus and I never made it a point to work out. The starvation diet was always easier then working out and eating healthy.
For most of my earlier yoga adventures I continued on that same path. I felt no need to change the way I was eating or the way I treated my body if I was becoming more flexible and getting skinnier and stronger. Eventually, that gave way to a new found respect for my body and it was no longer logical to be working so hard on my body only to ruin it with garbage food, and neglect. Finally my choices were starting to become healthier.
(Side note - now that I work out, and eat healthy foods, not only am I fifteen pounds lighter, and a constant weight, I eat all day, every two hours, and never think about if what I eat is going to land on my butt or gut.)
Luckily for me, I have a few good yoga teacher friends, who are always very helpful anytime I have questions.
Eventually my questions lead to a conversation about yoga teacher training. I was surprised and encouraged upon learning how easy it is to become a certified yoga teacher. The idea of making a living doing something I love filled me with excitement. However, I realized, I was not yet quite ready to take on this task.
I still have a lot of class material to learn before I consider myself ready to teach other people. There are also some physical goals I still would like to reach, before I even think about starting teacher training. I am, actually thinking about doing some business classes in the meantime while I continue to prepare myself physically, and mentally. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. This is something I care about so I don't want to do it half assed.
So I begin to study. I read things online. I download free yoga books to my phone. I looked up YouTube videos, and started to learn about the teachings of yoga. I learned about the Yamas and Niyamas. I studied chakras, and The Eight Limbs Of Yoga, anything I could find. I was thirsty for knowledge.
Someone very close to me once said, "Don't speak about it. Be about it." Wise words that many cannot live by, or choose not to live by. I am no better than anyone else, and often found myself guilty of this, what was I going to do to change it? I realized that if I wanted to become a good teacher it would be necessary for me to be a good example as well.
The teachings of yoga are good ones and I was unable to find any reason not to apply these things into my day to day life:
Being understanding, and tolerating, honesty with ourselves as well as others, avoiding endless chattering with no clear purpose, not coveting things we do not have, and appreciating what we DO have, eating healthy natural foods, looking at yourself before judging others, what purpose, surrendering. The list goes on.
All of these things seemed very positive, and reasonable, to me. If there was a reason not to attempt undertaking them in my day to day life, I couldn't see it, so I decided that was going to "be about it."
Recently I took some time off from Asanas to complete a month long, four day a week, endurance and bodybuilding course. Needless to say I was more than a little bit excited to get back into yoga.
In my off time I still tried to keep my mind open and focused on my goals. I abstained from junk food, and eased myself into an all natural, mostly organic, diet.
Back into Asanas for a month now, and I'm ready to grab life, and yoga, by the balls.