Saturday, July 5, 2014

II. Poised and Ready

*** Disclaimer: this blog is a personal story, and is published for artistic purposes only, and is in no way intended as medical advice.*** 

I walked into the doctors office calm and ready, small flutters of anticipation (or maybe just a little bit of nerves) bubbled up inside me. I was ready go get some answers, and put my mind at ease.

I grabbed a clipboard from behind the glass window, and then headed to a quite corner of the waiting room to fill out my 4 pages of paperwork. Good thing I arrived a half hour early, or I might have been late. 

As I sat in the corner, filling out my life story on a clipboard, wobbling across one, boney, knee; I kept getting drawn into the television beside me.  

I don't particularly watch a lot of television, but the program on the screen happened to be one that I had already sat through, several times.

I glanced down at the empty DVD box sitting on top of the humming BluRay player. I could hardly believe that they had that DVD here, and much less that they were playing it on repeat in their lobby. 

I started to feel a bit of joy, as the feeling that I was in the right place, at the right time, began to wash over me. 

My prescription.
That doctor visit was like no other that I had ever attended previously. I left feeling informed, and empowered.  

Everything on my list I could get from the local "health foods grocery store". Finally. . . "this is what you can do to fix it."

Home from my shopping trip, I put away the groceries from my "new" approved low FODMAP foods list, shaking my head at some of the produce bought only a few days ago, that would now likely be going to waste. 

"Only vegetables", I pushed them aside to make room for the foods that may save my life.

Moving forward... believe me, I am determined to fix it - the monster in my gut.