Sunday, September 30, 2012

Making Real Changes

Taking my yoga practice "off the mat" has brought many positive changes into my life. One of the strongest lessons I have learned has to do with change. Of all the things you will find in life, the only thing that is, truly, guaranteed is change. 

Change is constant, so expect, and welcome it. The past is gone, so reflect on the past as if there is something to learn from it, knowing you can never return there. The future is beyond our control, but dreams and goals are good for the soul. Now might be all we have, so make it count, enjoy it. Live in this moment, for this moment. 

Making substantial changes in ones life is a gradual process which can only be achieved through true desire, drive, and dedication.

If a person doesn't truly care about changing, and they are not willing to work towards the goal of evolution, then real change becomes impossible.

Change is something that has to cone from within, and it has to be done for ones self. Change is not something that can be forced by a second party. So if you have any expectations or desires about changing anyone but yourself, drop them. Its a futile up hill battle with the odds stacked high against you.

Learning to talk the talk is easy for most, but learning to walk the walk is something that many people struggle with.

Unfortunately, I know so many people out there who are all talk. Seeing this often, it was easy for me to decided that I had no desire to be that way.

I started by reflecting on myself. Every time a thought would cross my mind that went against the teachings I was studying I would consciously stop, look at myself, and ask "why is it that I feel this way?"

When another party and was involved in the situation I tried to put myself into that person shoes and remind myself that didn't know what the persons motives were and it wasn't my place make assumptions.

I also am learning to focus on meaningful conversation - Not speaking unless what I have to say is of some benefit to the situation. Sometimes this is still difficult for me. I have to consciously tell myself stop and think before I speak, and then ask myself, "is there any point to releasing this information.

Day by day and one step at a time, these changes are getting easier. I am happy in the here and now, but I am looking forward to the future, and seeing where my evolution will take me.