Thursday, July 25, 2013

Words Spilling onto Virtual Paper

Pretty words on paper. Ideas dancing and swirling in my mind like music. The melody working itself out on my keyboard, my fingers keeping time, clicking away each key stroke its own unique pitch.

Typing is like therapy. Watching the words appear on the page, one letter at a time, as if a magical force is transferring the ideas in my head onto the screen.

I can blog from almost anywhere, always free to plunge, deeply, into the seductions of the written word. 

The internet really is wondrous creation. It tempts and entices, providing endless possibilities for the acquisition of knowledge. With only a few swirls and clicks anyone can virtually navigate and address the globe. 

It becomes my my lover. It calls to me, offering endless knowledge. Page after page, vigorously searching, I become a seeker on an endless quest always craving more.