Friday, August 16, 2013


Now is is on my mind
Now is the place that I am exploring 
Now is this moment of clarity 
Now I am clinging to this state of present because
Now is where am trying to stay - steering my mind away from the future

The future that is elusive
The future that cannot be forecast 
The future that is constantly changing because of actions that we are carrying out now
The future is not where we are dwelling, and visiting it is a fantasy
The future is not relevant or certain  until now merges into it

Now is precious, each moment we have is a gift
Now is here - it is concrete, true
Now is clarity - directing the mind to stay in this place brings peace
Now is the only moment that is real, everything else is gone or an illusion
Now can have no effect on the past because the past is a place that cannot be touched

The past is gone forever - never to return
The past is a tool used for learning, viewed like a story in a movie
The past is not a place to dwell because it cannot be changed
The past, now gone, is no longer relevant to our current state
The past has passed, evolving into the now

Now is the only moment within our control - it is a time to act with mindfulness
Now is the home that we live in, the place we are meant to stay
Now is the only moment that is truly guaranteed - we cannot count on plans for tomorrow
Now the inspiration is flowing smoothly, clearly - serenity surrounds me and I am free
Now staying, holding onto the present