Saturday, November 23, 2013

Listening to My Body

My body is a friend.
It is the place that all the pieces of me reside.
Not me, but a place, a home that I must care for and maintain.
What an amazing gift a human body is.
If I take the time to listen, it speaks to me.
My body doesn't ask for much - just healthy, organic foods, exercise and rest.
It asks for so very little, and in return offers me a place to live a long and comfortable life.
How lovely!

Sometimes the mind and body do not seem to see eye to eye.
Work and worldly issues hinder my ability to hear the body's requests.
What a shame.

The downward spiral, slipping and falling.
Putting off exercise and rest.
"There is too much else to do."
Priorities waiver, but the nagging remains in the back of my head. . .

"Lets go for a run!"
"Stop staying up all night!"
"Really, ANOTHER cup of coffee?!"
"Yoga is good foe body and mind."
"Stop and relax - please?"

Eventually I give in.
Back on the right track, but I can't help but wonder how I got lost in the first place.