Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dark Clouds

I love him so much. He gets me in ways that no-one else can, and yet he still doesn't get me. . . I don't even get me sometimes.
How foolish we are, expecting each other to understand deeply seeded emotions that we ourselves hardly know and recognize as our own.
Untangling Indra's net. . . Deeply reflecting.
We cannot shed light on one another without first pointing that light inward, where shadows and monsters lurk.
So dark. . . Emotional scars, twisting through the walls of our mind's like storm clouds blocking out the sun.
Bring the wind. . . Let it blow, hard, so that we may see clearly, obstructions cleared.

Amaya sat frozen, lost in the words on the page in front of her. So dark, and yet so true. She was in a dark place, but somehow she had never felt better.