Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Short Time

Its been a few weeks since I published my last "real" blog. In the back of my mind there is this nagging voice, calling me lazy. Maybe the voice is right, but for the past week I have been searching for something meaningful to share. Lots of quick ideas have been bouncing around in my head, but nothing I could easily elaborate on.

I want these blogs to have meaning, and direction. I want them to help, inspire and educate people.
Eventually, this may take me in the direction of a video blog, or maybe I will just share written Asanas with photos, but I need to remain focused on the now.

In just a few weeks, I have learned many personal lessons:

I went without a real Asana practice for 3 days, and the negative effects of this were extremely aparent to me by the beginning of the 2nd day. I was tired, stiff, felt off balance mentally and physically just to name a few observations.

I hadn't drank in a long time and I had a few alcoholic beverages at over the weekend apparently my new pure body no longer has a tolerance for alcohol after having only a few drinks my stomach was in knots. I'll stick to the occasional glass of wine if anything at all.

I did my first hour long Asana the practice in complete silence. I shoved earplugs into my ears and listened to my breath alone. It was truly wonderful. Each breath cleansing my body.

Never, in my life have I been a spiritual person, but there is something unexplainable growing in my practices. Its a connection between something higher, and myself. I feel it. My mind, body, and "it" are swirling together. By the end of my practice I am filled with "good vibrations," complete relaxation, and clarity. Balanced. Complete. Free. Strong words that still don't do justice to the way I feel.

This journey is full of endless lessons and rewards. The only real question is, "what's next?" I am looking forward to many great discoveries along the way... life really is about the journey.