Monday, October 1, 2012

Journey to What is Natural

Today I would like to share a great quote.  The first time I came across this one I thought it was one of the cheesiest, but things change.  Now I recall it with fondness, and it might even be one of my favorites.

"You cannot do yoga.  Yoga is your natural state.  What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state". 
- Sharon Gannon (a founder of Jivamukti Yoga)

I don't even know how to explain it, this might be one of the truest quotes I've ever come across regarding yoga.

The yoga exercises  referred to in the quote are asanas, which you can do, but after practicing yoga as a whole, it becomes who you are, feeling natural, and then there is this realization, that its the way you were meant to be all along, or at least that is the best interpretation I can give. Even that sounds a little silly to me.

Like many things I have learned in my studies, this quote is just extremely difficult for me to explain. I'm not sure yoga is something you can explain, especially to somebody who's not there.
People tried explain lots of things to me early on in my yoga journey that, at the time, made almost no sense, but now, in reflection, I am finding that I understand completely.

The journey for knowledge is endless, and ever growing.